The court must address several procedural concerns before accepting a no contest plea. Massachusetts tickets are heard in District Courts. While a no contest plea is not necessarily an admission of guilt, it is treated as such by the court, and the defendant is sentenced as though he has been convicted of the crime. Pleading No Contest (Nolo Contendre) When you plead no contest, you accept the charges, similarly through a guilty plea. Many cases are settled by guilty pleas, but prosecutors and judges sometimes agree to "nolo contendere"—or “no contest”—pleas. The phrase "nolo contendere" literally means "I do not wish to contest". Because no contest is not stated in the statute, a defendant does not have the right to plead no contest in every criminal case. However, a judge can allow the defendant to make the no contest plea. When you plead "no contest", you are not technically admitting guilt but are still allowing the court to determine your punishment. If you were to plead guilty, it would automatically imply that you are guilty in a civil lawsuit. We are Virginia traffic attorneys who have represented hundreds of client in Northern Virginia for cases involving reckless driving, speeding, DUI/DWI, refusal, hit-and-run, driving on a suspended license, and driving on a revoked license. It is often called a "plea of no contest." Another advantage of a no contest plea is that if you make a no contest plea, it cannot be used against you in a lawsuit. A no contest plea is a plea used in criminal proceedings as an alternative to a guilty or not guilty plea, whereby the defendant neither disputes nor admits to doing the crime.This type of plea, also known as nolo contendere, literally means "I do not wish to contend.”A no contest plea is not an admission of guilt, but is treated as a criminal conviction by the court which hands down sentencing. While technically not an admission of guilt for commission of the crime, the judge will treat a plea of "no contest" as such an admission and proceed to find the defendant guilty as charged. No Contest Plea Definition At your traffic court trial , the judge will announce your charge and ask for your plea. You can plead no contest and ask for traffic school, that will keep you from getting a point on your driving record. The legal term no contest is a plea made by a defendant in court when he does not contest a particular criminal charge against him. A no contest plea means that you admit the facts presented by the prosecution but don't admit guilt for the crime charged. Its extremely unlikely this will come into play, but the maximum allowable fine for someone with prior traffic violations and one without is different. You basically have three options: guilty, not guilty, or no contest. In California, tickets are handled in Superior Court. I am in court around the Greater Columbus area every day and have the opportunity to see many people come to court for their traffic or criminal matter without an attorney. Should I plea "No Contest" at traffic court for my following too close ticket? There are two main benefits to a No Contest plea in traffic court: (i) It does not assess points against your driver's license and (ii) it is not an admission of liability that can (and will) be used against you in the event that you are sued due to your involvement in a traffic accident. Your first stop, after you've been stopped. In Washington, D.C., traffic tickets are handled by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Essentially the same as a guilty plea, a "no contest" plea results in a California criminal conviction. However, they may be required to be disclosed on certain applications, such as an employment or insurance application. When you plead "no contest", you are not technically admitting guilt but are still allowing the court to determine your punishment. However, this does not mean that you admit responsibility for the offense/s committed. If it appears from the facts presented that the defendant did not commit the offense charged, the trial court will refuse a no contest plea. Once you plead no contest, the court hands down a sentence. Implications of "No Contest" Pleas in Civil Court. Essentially the same as a guilty plea, a "no contest" plea results in a California criminal conviction. In Virginia, traffic court is general district court and speeding as low as 81 mph in a 70 is misdemeanor reckless driving. The main advantage is that if you make a no contest plea, you will not have to spend a long time battling an issue in court. Nolo contendre pleas may also be entered by a defendant in traffic cases. Generally, a defendant must also tender a no contest plea knowingly and voluntarily. I was given the advise my a law assistant to plead no contest in my traffic court hearing. These have the same fundamental consequences as guilty pleas, with the defendant receiving a conviction and accepting some kind of punishment. By this standard, no contest limits future liability. Once you plead no contest, the court hands down a sentence. No Contest does not admit guilt, but as treated as guilt for the purpose of sentencing. Pleading no contest will not mean that you do not get a point, it is as my colleagues have said not admitting guilt, but it is treated the same way as a guilty plea by criminal courts.