Knowing about the genre you’re writing in starts with reading in your genre. If your goal is to write a story or to learn to write … 10. Genre fiction gets to the heart of who we are by exploring universal themes such as love and death. Though it’s not a prerequisite that you be fully educated about the genre you’re entering, reading the best-selling authors who’ve come before you and brushing up on the craft specific to your genre will give you a leg up. Likewise, all writers need to establish a habit of writing daily in order to pursue their passion. Write What You Love. Genre is a style or category of art, music, or literature. But writing flash fiction? The premise of this article is that the more popular the book genre, the more books that are published and the higher the chance of you landing a book deal. Choose a plot that appeals to you the most from the following. There are a few factors that decide which genre you should write. How to Choose a Genre When Writing (Sometimes the Genre Chooses You) By: Guest Column | April 13, 2015 I should probably start by saying that the question of … What Genre Should You Write? Do you like history or science better? I’m wondering, though, if you could comment a little on historical fiction. Not everyone agrees where to draw them, and as trends in genre fiction evolve, they’re constantly changing anyway. Genre fiction is a term used to distinguish fictional works written with the intent of fitting into a specific literary genre, in order to appeal to readers and fans already familiar with that genre. Saying, that a niche genre could help you really focus on specific readers. Literary novels generally sell in smaller quantities than genre or mainstream novels. They imply that all other types of novels (genre fiction in particular) are somehow less literate and less serious.Still, the bookselling business calls it literary fiction, so I guess we’re stuck with the term.. If you don’t write shorter stories, why should you write flash fiction? A criminal gang is going around town stealing strange things. I can honestly say that I love reading all different genres. And having started my career at Pocket Books—which revolutionized the American publishing industry with the first mass-market paperback books—I’m a great defender and promoter of genre fiction. Which book sounds interesting to you? There are many sources that help readers find and define literary fiction and genre fiction. Literary fiction is also known as serious fiction, though personally I dislike both terms. Remember that genre doesn’t always have to define what you write!