While this does not mean that Peter could not teach Gentiles, we should not forget that Paul primarily went to the Gentiles while Peter primarily went to the Jews. Tradition connects him in the latter part of his life with Rome, and certain early writers held that 1 Peter was written there. I was pretty sure it would have been Nero (assuming of course that Peter actually was the author), but I … So when we came to 1 Peter 2:13, where the author encourages submission to the emperor, I wanted to talk about just who the emperor was at that time. (3) Peter was an apostle to the Jews (Galatians 2). 2. Peter may well be using the name Babylon symbolically, as it seems to be used in the book of Revelation (see Rev 14:8; 17:9–10 and notes). Some understand Peter to have written a letter with a postscript for a particular church. 1. Moule suggested that two letters were written by Peter at the same time and then were united in transmission (1:1--4:1 plus conclusion, and 1:1--2:10; 4:12--5:14), but it lacks any textual support 14. 1 AND 2 peter was written by Paul. It was written to the Jewish Christians of the time to encourage them..i suggest you do your research, not just assume. Now read 2 Peter 1:2 and you will see that 2 Peter was written by "Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ. (4) There are at least 18 quotations to the Hebrew scriptures in 1 Peter.