Well what do you want to do? You can use it to add emphasis to your kisses. Me and my boyfriend have not had sex in 2 weeks (My personal reasons) and when we kiss now it is much more intense and longer..because it doesnt have sex after. Don't get me wrong I like tongue also but not constantly. This article look at how to get rid of a tickle in the throat. Next stick your tongue down his throat gently. … Well first off, I like to think of myself as someone who does not “trash-talk”. and it eats away at me when i can't kiss my girlfriend like this. The tongues are larger than average, and significantly thicker. It all comes down to our lingering evolutionary urge to sniff out a genetically compatible mate, ... Why do I have blue eyes? Why do guys think they have to stick their tongue down your throat when your kissing? if you dont mind it but dont understand it ask him why he likes it and please get back to us.lol. Why is it when I say sure I’ll be connected, you immediately want to stick your tongue down my throat?” You wouldn’t walk into a networking function and ask someone their name, hand them a business card, and then ask for the business after you slam down two pigs in a blanket, would you? When it comes to the individuals with Down syndrome, their tongues are often deformed is a way that they are disproportionate to the mouth. I also hang out with a lot of guys all the time - which is also why I have no one to ask about this - but they are just friends, but he does not know that. it's just another wierd guy thing. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Who gets to stick their tongue down his throat? And I do believe it was “second base” on your way to a “home run,” which was consensual sexual intercourse. Why do you frequently insist on sticking your tongue down someone else’s throat, just because you’re in a club? How to Treat White Tongue Sore Throat. A female reader, aunty_rach +, writes (20 November 2008): yeah i've never really understood the fingers in the mouth thing. Why do guys shove their tongue down the throat while kissing?? You don't necessarily need to do anything with your tongue. I wouldn’t consider what I’m about to say as rude- I’m simply writing my thoughts down and stating facts. Questions relating to sticking out one’s tongue can turn out to be surprisingly complicated. In some instances, the feeling is constant and you can breathe, that is, you are not chocking. Its meaning in babies and children may be quite different from adults who do the same thing. ... most guys like to do this. Where I grew up we called that “french kissing” (no idea why.) Avoid intentionally pushing down the back of your tongue, as most people do when first trying to drop the larynx: If you push your tongue down, you also feel the larynx push down and you feel a tightening of the muscles under your chin. But it sometimes may get swollen for some reason. Why is it when I say sure I’ll be connected, you immediately want to stick your tongue down my throat?” You wouldn’t walk into a networking function and ask someone their name, hand them a business card, and then ask for the business after you slam down two pigs in a blanket, would you? What Those Nasty White Chunks That Sometimes Come From Your Throat Are Today I Found Out ... How Lice Turn Your Hair Into Their Jungle Gym | Deep Look ... Teenager's Tongue … And last, just meet in the middle. What is a response to someone sticking their tongue down your throat? Do Nice Guys Finish Last? Your tongue helps you taste, swallow, and talk. I somewhat have a feeling your extremely youthful, so boys your age may well be somewhat extra...forceble whilst it is composed of making out/kissing. Where I grew up we called that “french kissing” (no idea why.) Don't get me wrong I like tongue also but not constantly. Diagnostic checklist, medical tests, doctor questions, and related signs or symptoms for Uncontrolled tongue movements. Lips are for kissing too. i dont know. Usually, a puffy tongue is more annoying or uncomfortable than dangerous. It Depends How Nice. Brushing your tongue with a tooth brush or a tongue scraper regularly. Food stuck in my throat (at the base of tongue) and causes choking This … Do guys like it when a girl sticks her tongue ... What does it mean when he sticks his tongue down your throat?