Chapped or cracked lips are often sore or tingle. Relevance. Sorry but can i ask one more thing please!!! But some conditions can make them go numb or tingly. Sometimes after a rough make-our session, our body will be sore because of the chemicals produced during that session. If you are wondering how to deliver a perfect kiss on her neck, you should try to figure out what her most sensitive parts are. do you still look forward to kissing them? .. that youve been with for a long time, like after so many years you dont feel the need to have sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend, is it the same with kissing? 5. The question almost seems unfair, but can too much kissing damage our lips? Does kissing increase lip size? Dopamine is also associated with addiction and habit-forming behaviors, Kirshenbaum says. But, it's to be expected. Urgent medical care is needed if someone has difficulty breathing, feels faint, or collapses. Today I was examining my lips and noticed I had some small white bumps on them, when I rub my tongue on my lips I can't feel the bumps but i'm paranoid about them. Although kissing might seem like one of the most common actions you can rely on in this world, there's actually quite a few weird things that happen when you kiss. Overall, passionate kissing is known to have a number of health benefits, including forming strong emotional bonds, boosting in your metabolic rate (what a great way to lose weight! But some conditions can make them go numb or tingly. Paul716. 7 Things Nobody Talks About When They Talk About Kissing, According To Science, Because You're More Likely To Have A Car Accident If You Don't Smooch Your Wife hello, i've noticed that loads of times after i finish jamming on my harmonica i get a really weird sensation in my teeth, almost like they are loose, it goes away after a few minutes, but i just wanted to know weather 1. if its serious 2 if its normal and 3 weather i should be concerned I some respects kissing … 4 Answers. Does kissing cause dry lips? What are the side effects of kissing? My moms dying and Im not there to help and feel guilty doing everyday things. Question: Why Do My Lips Get Red After Kissing? Last night i had been drinking in a club and ended up kissing someone with tongues. Same with my first kiss with every other guy after that. Why do we kiss with tongue? Why do I feel a small rock in one of my nipple Still feeling weird from sythetic weed known as kronic, advice? First, put your arms around her for a perfect position. I didn't really like it, didn't really feel anything. why did they go like this and is this normal? What happens if your lips are red? Can herpes make you have a weird feeling in your lips? ), and reducing measurable amounts of stress [source: Victoria].How can something so enjoyable be a bad thing? Odd Facts About Kissing. You can’t stop thinking about their lips. Chapped lips. Why do you think a baby puts things to the mouth,, they can feel texture taste the tongue that is packed with senses , So kissing is in many ways like oral sex ,, you liven the senses taste , touch , feel . Kissing doesn't feel noticeably different – but they do feel way more solid to touch than natural lips, which is really weird. Why do neck kisses feel good? i'm not allergic to anything . For many people, the very first kiss isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Your lips are super-sensitive. Favorite Answer. Learn what can cause a loss of feeling, and what you should do. You want to kiss them again just to make sure you felt nothing. It was weird and gross and I would have rather not kissed them. do you not feel that happy, "tingly" feeling. Comment. Sore red lips after kissing? What does kissing on lips mean? What do red lips symbolize? 4. You haven’t talked about it with the person since it happened but there’s this weird, new electricity between you now. Contents. 6. 10 years ago. However, the morning after I noticed a slight tingling on my lips and thought maybe a coldsore was about to develop (I have only just got rid of a coldsore about 2 weeks ago). How will u know if a guy loves u? Do you feel "sparks or tingles" when kissing someone? What does it mean when your lips are red? There's a couple things that could be causing this. By “weird” if you mean tingle and hurt, check out an allergy reaction. A quick romantic kiss burns about 2-3 calories.