Black Friday usually refers to the day after Thanksgiving, the official start of the holiday shopping season. The day of the stock market crash prior to the Great Depression is called Black Tuesday. It makes sense that stores would prefer this positive origin story—after all, Black Friday is the biggest day of the year for many sellers. According to this alternative explanation, Black Friday was called ‘Black Friday’ because is the day retailers finally started to turn a profit. BLACK Friday is underway – don’t miss your chance to snap up some pre-Christmas sale bargains. When I started researching for this article, I was a bit fuzzy on Black Friday’s origins myself. But, as it turns out, the “black in the ledger” origin is, at best, making the best of a bad situation. My wife had no idea. Many retailers rely on the holiday season to earn significant profits or maybe even just to turn a profit period. The Friday after Thanksgiving is the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday is no exception. Their version of the story is based on the fact that accountants use red ink to show negative amounts and black ink when showing positive amounts. The day after Thanksgiving isn't called "Black Friday" because many stores become profitable going "into the black." That is why it is called Black Friday. Despite the holiday’s popularity, most people have no idea why Black Friday is called Black Friday. The history and origin behind Black Friday as the countdown to 2019's biggest bargain binge begins - … The term “Black Friday” (in the retail sense) was coined in the 1960s to mark the kickoff to the Christmas shopping season. Its called black Friday because on that day retail stores either make it or it will break it , meaning they will be in the Black , ( Good year ) or ( Red bad year ) it has to do with money the Friday after Thanks Giving is the Biggest retailers shopping day of the year crazy sales going on for Christmas etc . In Panama, Black Friday was first celebrated in 2012, as a move from the Government to attract local tourism to the country's capital city. Everything you need to know about the big shopping day The term Black Friday used to have a much different meaning than it does now Either way, that’s not why it’s called Black Friday. “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to the “black,” back when accounting records were kept by hand, and red ink indicated a loss, and black a profit. Why Black Friday Is Important. Black Friday is known as Viernes Negro in Costa Rica. If we call something a 'black day in history,' that's generally not a good thing. Black Thursday has been used to describe various bombings, catastrophic fires and athletic defeats. Stores offer deep discounts and … “Black” refers to stores moving from the “red” to the “black,” back when accounting records were kept by hand, and red ink indicated a loss, and black … Even though Black Friday is today … Since 2006, there have been seven reported deaths and 98 injuries throughout the US on Black Friday.